Professionally Designed HTML Email Templates
Your ResultsMail trial or paid account includes access to a multitude of professionally designed HTML email templates.
We know your time is valuable and you may not have a team of designers on staff so we have done the heavy lifting for you!
Quickly Customize Your Message
Don't know HTML? No worries. Our HTML email templates load into our easy to use editor. If you have basic word processing skills you will find customizing your html email a breeze with our tools.
If you later create your custom own design you can use our editing tools to just drop it right in to your account.
Unlike most of our competition, ResultsMail does not charge for hosting images when you use our editor to either create your own template or use one of ours!
Have an idea for a template?
Can't find the template you are looking for? No problem, get in touch with us and let us know what you are looking for.
Our team of designers should be able to create something quickly for you to use. It will then be available within the email template selector for you to use any time.
You get a new email template design, we get a happy customer. Win win!