ResultsMail Frequently Asked Questions
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When I test I seem to get both an HTML and a plain text message, is this normal?
When you send a "test" message we send you both the HTML and the plain text version separately. This is so that you can preview how both appear before you send a campaign to your contact list. When you send a campaign to your contact list only one message is sent. This message includes both the plain text and the HTML version. The version displayed to the recipient is then determined by the recipient's software and settings.
How does the system know to send an HTML or plain text message?
The email campaigns is sent in a multi-part MIME message that includes both a plain text and HTML version of the email. If the recipient's email software can properly render HTML, they will see the HTML. If it cannot, they will see plain text.
How can I change the name of the FROM sender?
Go to the Settings/Senders & Footers section in ResultsMail and add a new sender. This sender can have its own name, email address, and mailing address. When you create or edit a campaign you can then associate a given sender to a given campaign.
How long does it take to add a new sender to your system?
Adding senders is generally immediate unless there are problems with your receiving email server.
How can I change the address that appears on the footer of every email message?
Go to the Settings/Senders & Footers section in ResultsMail and add a new sender. This sender can have its own name, email address, and mailing address. When you create or edit a campaign you can then associate a given sender to a given campaign.
Are the emails sent from your server or from my computer?
Emails are sent from our highly efficient email servers. This ensures that your campaigns will be sent quickly with a high rate of deliverability.
How long does it take to send out my email?
We do not guarantee delivery time do to the nature of the Internet and the many variables involved in delivery many messages to many different servers.
In general, when you send a campaign, 80 - 85% of your messages will be sent within the first 10 minutes, and 95% within the first hour. The rest trickle out over the next 30 hours as the server continues to retry sending your mail to receiving servers that are unresponsive. Every hour the server reports on bounces. So within 1-2 hours of sending your campaign you should have a good picture of which emails have bounced and which have been delivered.
Can we mail to the people who previously “unsubscribed” since this new mailing will have a different focus?
Definitely not based on the Federal Trade Commission's definition of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Please refer to the CAN-SPAM guidelines located at
I send a test message to a test email account and then unsubscribed via the footer. I then sent a new campaign, and that email address received the email. How long does it take for the system to recognize that someone unsubscribed?
When you send a "test" message and manually enter an email address the unsubscribe link is not active. The intended purpose of sending test messages is to send them to a handful of email addresses to verify that your message is properly formatted and working as intended. As such, we trust that you are the one in control of those email addresses and wouldn't really want to unsubscribe them. The complete standard footer is included on the email, however, so that you may test every aspect of the message.
The unsubscribe option only works when you send an actual campaign using the "send campaign" option and choose a group of contacts to send to. When a person unsubscribes after receiving an email this way they are unsubscribed immediately.
The unsubscribe option only works when you send an actual campaign using the "send campaign" option and choose a group of contacts to send to. When a person unsubscribes after receiving an email this way they are unsubscribed immediately.